VA Dementia Benefits: Up to $10,000 in Monthly Support

Critical Support for Veterans with Dementia: in this edition, we help veterans and their caregivers access up to $10,000 monthly in VA benefits. With veterans facing higher dementia risks due to service-related conditions like PTSD and TBI, understanding these benefits isn't just important—it's essential.

In This Edition:

  • Finding Dollars for Veterans and Their Caregivers

  • Critical VA Benefits Resources

    • VA Caregiver Support Program (PCAFC) — up to $2,750/month

    • Veterans Pension with Aid and Attendance — up to $4,000/month

    • Veterans Disability and Compensation Rates — up to $3,800/month

    • Checklist of Essential VA Resources

  • Support the Newsletter

  • Join the elumeNATION!

Finding Dollars for Veterans and Their Caregivers

America’s veterans deserve our best, and they deserve funding to assist with their dementia-related care. This is all the more important because our veterans are at a higher risk for dementia than the rest of the population.

“In addition to the main risk factors for Alzheimer's and other dementia (age, genetics and family history and more), there are a few factors that veterans may also experience, like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Anyone can have these risk factors, but veterans are more likely to have them. They have more dementia risk than people who are not veterans.”

~Alzheimer’s Association (full article)

Veterans with dementia deserve our nation's full support - and research shows they need it more than most. Veterans face higher dementia risks due to service-related factors like PTSD and TBI. Let's make sure you're accessing every benefit available.

Critical Veterans Benefits Opportunities:

VA Caregiver Support Programup to $2,750/month

  • Monthly stipends based on your location

  • Health insurance coverage

  • Respite care services

Veterans Pension with Aid & Attendance — up to $4,000/month for married veterans

  • Up to $4,000/month for married veterans

  • Helps cover long-term care costs

  • Tax-free monthly payment for veterans with service-connected conditions

  • Benefits are flexible and can grow with needs

Essential VA Resources

Did You Know? Veteran caregivers spend an average of $11,500 annually out of pocket - 150% more than other family caregivers. Don't let these costs burden your family when benefits are available. 

Breaking News: Recent program expansions now include veterans of all eras. Previously denied? It's time to reapply! 

Next Week: Watch for our deep dive into lesser-known VA benefits and local support programs.

P.S. Forward this email to other veteran caregivers - they may be missing out on thousands in monthly benefits.

According to Veteran Statistics, a total of 13,789,286 Veterans out of an eligible 19,349,382 Veterans or 71.3% of Veterans do NOT have any type of service connected VA rating, meaning they either haven’t applied for VA disability benefits or were denied in the past and gave up.

Which VA benefit topic would you like us to cover in-depth next?

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Want more personalized support on your caregiving journey? Join our exclusive online community of caregivers for just $3.99/month - less than a cup of coffee! Unlike typical Facebook groups, you'll get direct access to Ben, our founder and veteran caregiver advocate, through exclusive video content and community discussions. Plus, each month you'll unlock a premium training (valued at $6.99+) to help you navigate caregiving challenges more effectively. That's nearly 50% savings minimum on valuable training content, plus the support of a community that understands your journey.

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Ben Couch, Dementia Newsletter author

Ben Couch, Dementia Newsletter author

Hi! I’m Ben, and I’m the author of this newsletter. My history in the field of dementia starts way back in the early 2000s. I was planning on being a literature professor but realized, after receiving my master’s degree, that the academic life was not for me. Elbow patches on my suit jackets just didn’t work with the rest of my fashion ensemble.

Thanks to a truly odd chain of events, I ended up taking a job as a training developer for a major senior housing company in 2001. I ended up leading the training efforts for the whole company - I’m proud that my material touched thousands of employees in an effort to make a better life for our residents.

The fight against dementia has become much more personal for me now that I am watching my mother’s journey with Alzheimer’s disease. I started The Dementia Newsletter as well as it’s parent company, elumenEd, to help caregivers, specifically home and family caregivers, gain access to the very best training available.

At The Dementia Newsletter, we’re dementia professionals but we’re not medical doctors or lawyers. The information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical or legal advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for medical diagnosis, treatment, or any health-related concerns and consult with a lawyer regarding any legal matters.